It is our desire to encourage children/youth between the ages of 3-18years old. We will provide them with a space where they are welcomed, heard, and accepted into the body of Christ. Our mission is to actively invite every youth to commit to a personal relationship and everlasting journey with Jesus Christ, mentoring them towards wholeness within a supportive church community and empowering them to bring healing and hope outside the four walls to win over souls.
In order to accomplish this mission, Greater Pentecostal Temple Junior Church Ministry will:
* Encourage children to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and help them learn how they are gifted by God to help others.
* Facilitate your child's growth in his/her relationship with Jesus Christ and His Word.
* Teach for response, aiming for God-loving and God-fearing hearts and lives.
* Foster skill building through relevant biblical teaching, positive role modeling and esteem building.
* Prepare children to discover their uniqueness and God's mission for their lives.
* Model God’s truths and character
* Pray and intercede for children and families.
Get Involved
Be a part of the Greater Pentecostal Temple Servant Leaders.
Contact UsProgram Facilitator
Robin Lyons, (Lead)